Kurling Festival (pm) - Years 5 and 6Close Window

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New Age Kurling – Years 5 and 6

Squad of 4 players (2 boys and 2 girls). Ideal event for targeted pupils (i.e. any child on the SEN register or disengaged with sport, or who has low self-esteem/ emotional/communication needs. This can include Deaf and Autistic children.)

Teams will play a series of group matches inside the main sports hall at Mark Hall Sports Centre. Standard New Age Kurling rules and demonstration will be given upon commencement of event.

Players need appropriate footwear for indoor surface (i.e. trainers – plimsolls or school shoes are not appropriate). Please remind players to bring a named drinks bottle.

Winning team will represent Harlow in the Level 3 County Finals on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at Basildon Sporting Village from 10.30am - 12.30pm

NO SPECTATORS are permitted to watch. Those adults who accompany and remain with the team, must be clearly identifiable to SG staff (i.e. lanyards and/or school logo clothing).