Gifted and Talented Day - Years 5 and 6Close Window

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Gifted and Talented Day 1 – Years 5 and 6

4 pupils (ideally 2 boys and 2 girls) from each school. Ideal event for pupils who are more able in PE sessions.

Pupils will take part in a series of activities (Bmxing, Futsal, Tennis, Hip Hop Pop, MMA) inside and outside the various areas of the Mark Hall Sports Centre. Instruction and demonstration will be given upon commencement of event.

Players need appropriate footwear for indoor surface and clothing for inside and outside (i.e. trainers – plimsolls or school shoes are not appropriate). Please remind players to bring a named drinks bottle.

NO SPECTATORS are permitted to watch. Those adults who accompany and remain with the team, must be clearly identifiable to SG staff (i.e. lanyards and/or school logo clothing).